School Policies
*All policies cited on this page were excerpted from Stone Academy's Parent Handbook (PDF).
Table of Contents
Absences and Tardiness
If a student will be absent from school, please call (773)534-2045, or email our school clerk, Olga Estrada. You may call in the evening and leave a message. The parent/guardian is required to send a note with the student upon his/her return to school. This procedure helps in monitoring the safety of your child as well as documenting excused absences. The computer system will contact parents the day of the child’s absence. Please provide current and accurate daytime phone numbers, and if your contact information changes during the year, please provide new information to the office immediately.
There are only four acceptable causes of absences:
- Illness
- Death in Immediate Family
- Family Emergency
- Observation of Religious Holiday
Truant is defined as a child who is absent without a valid cause. Chronic Truancy is used to define a situation where a child is absent without a valid cause for 10% or more of the previous 180 regular attendance days. Poor attendance does affect student learning and possibly grade promotion.
Students are expected to be at school by 8:00 a.m., or they are considered tardy. Late students will receive a tardy slip before they are admitted to class. Arrival after 8:25 a.m. or early dismissal before 2:20 p.m. is considered a ½ day absence.
Admissions Procedures
Admission to Stone Scholastic Academy is by application to the lottery. Applications are accepted October through December of each year for the following school year. Parents are notified of acceptance for kindergarten within one month from the date the computer lottery is conducted. For grades one through eight, parents are notified upon space availability.
Every child must be at least five years old on or before September 1 of the year they will enter Kindergarten as indicated in the Illinois State School Code to be included in the lottery. A state issued birth certificate must verify age.
As required by Illinois State Law, students must have dental, physical, vision and immunization records. Students without proper examination forms from a physician will not be allowed to attend school.
After School Care
For the convenience of Stone parents, Stone offers tuition-based extended day care until 6 p.m. for grades K-8.
Arrival & Dismissal
The school day begins at 8:00 a.m. and ends at 3:00 p.m. Students remain in the building for breakfast and lunch. During recess, students are supervised by school personnel and are not permitted to leave the property. Once they arrive, students must remain on school grounds until the end of the school day. Students are granted an early dismissal for emergency purposes, and are released only to an authorized adult. These dismissals are through the main office.
On inclement weather days, students will be allowed to enter the building at 7:30 a.m. and directed to the auditorium. Inclement weather is defined as days in which it is raining, heavy snowing or the temperature with wind chill falls below 25 degrees Fahrenheit. The principal or his/her designee will notify the office personnel for days in question. Please be sure to dress your child appropriately for the various weather conditions we experience.
Bus Policy
The Board of Education provides bus transportation to qualified students living more than 1.5 miles and less than 6 miles from school. A computer system establishes bus routes, not our school. Specific conduct for riding the bus is outlined in the CPS Student Code of Conduct. All transported students are expected to follow these guidelines. The principal has the authority to remove a student from bus transportation for repeated infractions. The parent/guardian then becomes responsible for providing private transportation.
Bus students should ride the bus daily. In the event a student does not ride the bus, for safety concerns, a note signed by the parent/guardian must be given to the office in the morning. Verbal communication will not be honored.
Change of Address
It is very important for emergency and administrative reasons, that an up-to-date student record including address, phone number, and emergency numbers be maintained for every student. Notify the school immediately of any changes. Please call (773)534-2045, or email our school clerk, Olga Estrada.
COMMUNICATION is the key to a successful school year for your child. Here are some ways to connect home and school:
- Fall Open House: Classroom teacher’s instructional program for the year is presented.
- Report Card Pick-Up Days: Twice a year parent-teacher conferences to discuss the child’s progress.
- Newsletters: eNewsletters are sent out via email and posted on the website. It includes PTA news and school events. Parents may also request a hard copy from the office.
- School Directory: A PTA publication of Stone families contact information.
- Telephone/E-mail: Available for communication during non-instructional times.
- Homework Agenda Gr. 2-8: Student uses agenda to write daily assignments. It can also be used for parent and teacher communication.
- School Website: Includes calendar of important dates and other information. Teachers will prepare updates regarding class information every two weeks.
- PTA Monthly Meetings: Regularly scheduled for parents to discuss concerns and activities.
- Local School Council Monthly Meetings: Regularly scheduled principal’s monthly report and discussion related to the school improvement plan.
- My School, My Voice: Survey provides an opportunity for parents to evaluate the current year and help the school plan for the following year.
To promote good nutrition and healthy eating habits, frosted cupcakes/candy will not be accepted. Sugary treats may pose a health risk to children with food allergies. Instead of food, parents are encouraged to select a book for the child to donate to the school library and have his/her picture displayed outside the library. (Speak to the classroom teacher and/or library staff about the Celebration Donation program.)
Desk or Locker Searches
School officials have the right to inspect and search all school property (i.e., lockers and desks) if there is cause or reasonable suspicion. All locks on student lockers must have a lock purchased from the school. Locks can be purchased in the office.
Doctor/Dentist Appts
Parents are to avoid scheduling doctor and dentist appointments during school hours. However, when this is not possible, you must notify the office. A child will not be released from the classroom until the parent is in the office to sign the child out.
Dress Code
- Students can wear any color clothing (does not have to be blue, black or white)
- Tops can display images or words as long as the content is not offensive, inappropriate or upsetting to others.
- Tops must be long enough to cover the entire torso and sleeves should cover the shoulders
- Students must wear closed-toed shoes
- No hats or head coverings are allowed except for religious or medical reasons
- Students are permitted to wear hoodies as long as they keep their hood down while at school
- The waistband of all bottoms must be worn at the waistline (not below!)
Electronic Devices/Valuables
Students are not to bring toys or valuables to school. All electronic devices are prohibited except when specially allowed by the teacher. Confiscated items will be turned into the office in an envelope with the student name and room number. Item will be released to parent/guardian on Fridays between 2:30 - 5:00 p.m.
Cell phones are to be turned off, not vibrate, during school hours and during early morning or after school classes. Students may be disciplined under the CPS Student Code of Conduct. Confiscated phones will only be released to parent/guardian on Fridays between 2:30 - 5:00 p.m.
Parents must retrieve any confiscated item by the end of the school year or it will be disposed. Stone Scholastic Academy is not responsible for any items that are lost or stolen.
Emergency Information
Each student is required to have current information:
- Parent(s)/guardian(s) names.
- Complete current address and e-mail address.
- Parent(s)/guardian(s) home and work phone numbers.
- Emergency phone number of two (2) friends and/or relatives.
- A physician’s name and phone number.
- Physician’s report of a Medical alert or food allergy.
- Any court document prohibiting individuals contact with your child.
If your child becomes ill at school, we will contact you at home or work. The Board of Education requires that you or an authorized adult (over 18 years of age) come to pick up your child. Students are not allowed to leave the building alone. If emergency medical treatment is necessary and the parents cannot be contacted, 911 will be notified.
Illinois E-Pay is an online electronic payment option available through the Stone Academy website. Parents have the opportunity to make certain school purchases online. There are many advantages to this system, among those are that students will no longer need to bring money to school for things like school fees. This will reduce the amount of change or money students would normally bring to school, and reduce the chance of money being lost or stolen. Click here for more information.
Field Trips
Field trips within the city and to nearby points of interest are scheduled by classroom teachers throughout the school year. These trips are designed to supplement the classroom curriculum and introduce students to the resources of the community. Based upon classroom behavior, the principal/teacher has the discretion to withhold field trip participation for any student. Parents will receive notices of scheduled field trips and be asked to sign field trip permission forms. Occasionally, money is requested from each student to help with transportation or facility use costs. We always encourage parents to attend field trips with their children. It is your child’s responsibility to return field trip permission slips to their teacher. Students who forget their trip slip will not be allowed to call home for permission. They will remain in the building for the day in another classroom.
Food & Drink
Glass containers and pop are not allowed in school. Lunches from home are to be stored in the student lockers.
Homework is important and required. It is an extension of the learning that takes place in school. Homework can provide practice and drills that reinforce classroom learning and can provide opportunities for independent study, research and creative thinking. Teachers base homework assignments on the needs presented by the class, and these often cannot be predicted before the fact. Your assistance and support are essential. If you have any questions, please contact your child’s teacher.
Parent Portal is available for grades 1-8. Using the Internet, parents will be able to check on their child’s progress at any time. To receive access to the portal, please see Mr. Brandon. To acces Parent Portal, click here...
Parents who have concerns regarding children’s literature are asked to preview materials for appropriate content before prohibiting their child from reading books they consider inappropriate. We value and respect a parent’s censorial decision to protect their child from the unpleasant aspects of life and sensitive language that may be contained in children’s literature. However, in an effort to broaden a child’s perspective of the societal challenges that confront students, the school must also ensure that every child be allowed access to multiple viewpoints and perspectives. If you have any concerns, please contact your child’s teacher.
Grading System/Gradebook
Report cards are issued every 10 weeks, in November, February, April and June. The Board of Education requires parents to pick up the report cards in November and April. Progress Reports are sent home during the 5th, 15th, 25th and 35th week of school. Parents with students in grades 1-8 will be able to check student progress at any time using the Internet. Grading System:
A=90%-100%; B=80%-89%; C=70%-79%; D=60%-69%; F=59% or below.
Parents may also use the Parent Portal gateway to check see child's most current grades and attendance record.
Student participation in the graduation ceremony is a privilege. Students will earn this privilege by meeting the basic academic and behavioral expectations for all Stone Scholastic Academy students. Eighth grade students are required to:
- Pass the United States Constitution Test
- Meet required minimum scores on standardized testing
- Meet grade requirements for the final report card
Students will also risk losing the privilege of participating in graduation activities due to poor or unacceptable behavior; these activities include but are not limited to: graduation luncheon or picnic, end of year softball game, end of year dance, graduation trip, and the graduation ceremony. A parent/guardian will be contacted regarding the loss of graduation privileges by administrative staff.
Immunizations and Vaccinations
The Illinois State Law requires that every child who is admitted to public school must have evidence of an up to date immunization report. Physicals, dental and immunization reports are required at specific grade levels. Failure to comply will result in the students’ exclusion from school until required health forms are submitted. CPS also outlines minimum health requirements on their website.
Third floor students must purchase locks from Stone for $7. This is not included in the student fee. Other locks will be cut off. Contact Olga Estrada in the office for a lock.
Medications in School
If at any time it becomes necessary for your child to take medication at school, a medical form (504) must be on file at our school. Please speak to the school nurse.
Report Card Pick Up
The Board of Education requires parents to pick up their student's report card and confer with the teachers in November and April. These conference times are very valuable to the overall education program. Teachers gain a much better understanding of the child if they speak directly with parents. Waiting for the conference time is not necessary if you have a special concern. You can always request an appointment with the teacher to discuss your concerns.
Student Fees
An $100.00 student fee will be collected at the beginning of each school year. This fee is used to cover the expense of consumable materials, copying, and classroom subscriptions. This fee does not cover the cost of field trips, literature circle novels, lost or damaged books or graduation fees. Transfers or final report cards will not be issued until all fees are paid. Student fee payments can be made electronically through E-PAY.
Study Skills
A parent or guardian can help his or her child be aware of skills and techniques which make learning easier. The following are student guidelines for achieving good study habits:
- Come to class prepared with pencil, paper, and other necessary material.
- Be an active participant in class. Listen well and take part in class.
- Ask questions if you do not understand.
- Schedule a regular time for homework.
- Use what is learned and connect it to new situations.
- Keep trying and strive to do your very best….always!
The school office telephone is a business phone and is not to be used by students to make personal calls, (such as requesting permission to go to another child's home after school). This is a disruption of classroom instruction time. Incoming calls for students are not accepted except in the case of a proven family emergency. Parents are to make sure all after-school plans are clear to their child before the child arrives at school. Messages to students will not be forwarded to students after 2 PM.
Parents who call to speak to a teacher must do so between 7:05 and 7:30 a.m., although teachers are not required to be on duty at that time. It is recommended that you contact staff via e-mail. During school hours, please leave a message with the office and the message will be placed in the teacher’s mailbox.
Requests for a student transfer is issued only to the parent/legal guardian. Notify the teacher or office as soon as you intend to transfer your child. This will allow time for completion of records and to check the return of school materials and any unpaid fees.
Violence Prevention
Stone Scholastic Academy uses a multifaceted approach to violence prevention. Security measures such as the hiring of a security officer and close monitoring of visitors have been taken. Metal detector screenings and/or locker searches may be conducted randomly or as needed. When leaving the building, do not hold door open for others to enter.
Students are not allowed to carry book bags or PURSES into the classroom to prevent concealment of inappropriate items that may disrupt the educational process. All book bags, purses, etc., must be left in the locker. Only school locks may be used. All other locks may be cut.
Visitors and Parents
ALL visitors are to report to the school office upon entering the building. Parents are always welcome to visit the school after receiving a pass from the office. Please remember that classrooms and teachers cannot be disturbed during class time. You may call the school and make an appointment to visit your child's classroom during the day and depending on the schedule of instruction, we will gladly arrange it with the classroom teachers(s